My Hopes For 2022

Howard discusses his hopes for 2022, whilst swearing a lot.And so it’s over. The year we all hoped and expected to be better than the staggeringly crap year that preceded it, but wasn’t. We go again. Hopefully this time our expectations are met. For City fans, with...

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For the final time, Howard says goodbye - and thanks - to Sergio Aguero.So that is it. With something of a whimper, a career ends, and a new chapter or ten awaits. Sergio Aguero tearfully announced his retirement at the Camp Nou, and the respect and words of thanks...

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A Night At Old Trafford: Father & Son.

Howard goes to Old Trafford to watch Manchester United. And of course explains why he would do such a thing.As Cristiano Ronaldo slotted the ball into the bottom corner of the net via the keeper’s papier-mâché hands, the unbridled joy apparent as the realisation...

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Football, my dad and my new-born daughter.

Ste talks about becoming a dad, City, family and more.It’s 5.17am. Outside, the bleary sky has not yet woken up and its dark washes of blues and greys turn to orange in the distance where the streetlights are. Yesterday, I became a dad for the first time. Her name is...

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2nd Home:- The Day I Went To A Football Match.

Howard looks back at an emotional day - going to a football match for the first time in 18 months.The aroma carried in the breeze was unmistakable. A pie of sorts. Probably meat, some potato perhaps, outside chance of balti. A smell of chip fat too. Someone was...

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Why Ruben Dias Deserves All The Awards

Dan explains why Ruben Dias deserves any awards that may come his way.Sometimes, it feels like we’re inhabiting different realities from some of our peers who watch the same sport as us. No recent example better illustrates this disconnect than the discussion...

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Dan looks back at City's CL journey and says we should just enjoy the moment.It’s finally happened! Manchester City are about to play in the final of Europe’s grandest competition. With the match just around the corner, it’s worth reflecting on just how far City have...

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